Start date: 14 November 2018
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Organiser(s): Colectic
The event, under the title “hackejant socials barriers” was held in a space of the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. The audience attendance was very small, however we can consider that key people attended.
Three projects were presented, similar in terms of the use of technology, but very different in terms of the target audience.
Digital Welcome was presented, firstly, through one of the videos produced by a participant in the first pilot phase: https://youtu.be/3cBBgW_gf_k. The video caused a lot of excitement. Next, a participant explained the experience she had experienced, emphasizing the knowledge acquired, but also in the social relationships that she had generated. She explained the challenge firsthand and also explained that he shas recommended the program to two friends. Next, the project manager presented an overview of the program, emphasizing the content and, above all, the social and digital competences that are being worked on, as a way of integrating migrants and refugees.
Then, a debate energized by an expert in the world of communication, stepped up to assess the strengths and weaknesses of Digital Welcome, look for possible future developments (such as implementation in high-difficulty educational centers) and alternatives to overcome those pitfalls that were detected.
The program was highly valued and the participants asked for more information to assess the possible implementation in other contexts.