The Multiplier Event was held at the Museum Maritimum of Barcelona (Barcelona) on 28th May 2019.
81 people from 24 different social organizations and 19 different municipal services participated very actively during the celebration of the Digital Welcome Multiplier event. A great success of the meeting, without a doubt, thanks to the collaboration with the Fundació Tot Raval, a local foundation in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona that brings together various entities (including Colectic) and that contributed very positively not only to the development of the program, but also to the realization of the call.
The day was organized in the morning and all the contents were focused on achieving a very specific challenge: to answer the question “How can the Raval entities and facilities contribute to the reception and future of the youth without family references in the territory?” Therefore, the event had a thematic thread focused on the future sustainability not only of the Digital Welcome project, but also of other similar or complementary projects that could arise from the confluence of the volunteers of the attendees.
The day was distributed in 3 key moments. To start, Marina Mañas, head of the Barcelona City Council’s Office of Management of Conflicts in Public Space and Oriol Janer, Director of the Dar Chabab Day Center (La Casa dels Joves), presented the situation of this profile of young people in the City of Barcelona.
Then, 3 success stories of work with this profile of young people were presented. In the first place, Luis Miguel Castillo and Núria Ishii, trainers of the second Welcome pilot, presented Digital Welcome, emphasizing the digital competences that had been worked on and the materials that are already available to all entities and teachers and trainers who want to using them. After that, Mamadou Saliou Diallo, a young man who came to the country with the status of Unaccompanied Minor Migrant, presented his personal experience and the project he has founded: Diandé Africa. Finally, Laura Terradas, a technician from Punt de Referència, presented “Projectes de mentoria i acolliment familiar amb jovent no acompanyat”.
After the lunch break, offered by the participants of the training program in hostelry of Impulsem, the third part of the day began. “Welcome and future of unaccompanied youth: Raval, can we organize ourselves?” was the title of the dynamic Disseny Thinking coordinated and directed by Esther Subias, project manager of Digital Welcome – Colectic. The audience was divided into three workshops facilitated by the staff of Digital Welcome: Luis Miguel Castillo, Núria Ishii and Toni Doménech. The three groups worked on the exploration of resources, construction and sustainability of community projects that, similar to the Digital Welcome program, seek to welcome and provide tools to improve the future options of young migrants.
The participants of the conference found very interesting the fact of testing the curriculum at the international level, and also the construction of it based on the experiences of good practices of the partner entities of Digital Welcome.
The participants asked for more information about the resources and materials that are available on the web.