Start date: 24 September 2018
Location: Berlin, Germany
Organiser(s): Stiftung Digitale Chancen
The Multiplier Event organized by Stiftung Digitale Chancen (SDC) was held on the 24th of September 2018. The first part was held at the Digitale Lernzentrum Berlin by Facebook and the second part at the offices of SDC.
Feedback, ideas and suggestions for improving the training offer and sustainability were proposed:
How to address the participants:
- Up to now, this has mainly been done through the organisations and social workers in our network.
- Idea: translation of the handouts into Persian and Arabic, so that interested parties can read the information themselves and understand it better. This also serves as help for the social workers.
- Specifically, the job centres but also private job brokers such as JOB POINT and the Job-Navigation of the Berlin City Mission should be taken into account for recruiting. A visit or stand at a job fair could also help with the acquisition.
Practical tips:
- At a special preparatory meeting, record the expectations and needs of the participants and communicate how the participants can concretely benefit from the training / explain our goals and methods.
- For interviews using several cameras, it is advisable to use a clapperboard in order to be able to cut the recordings together later from different perspectives. Sound and picture can thus be edited better synchronously.
Other topics that could/ should be covered in the training, as the target group would benefit from it:
- Raising awareness of online risks and security (personal data, bullying, cyberbullying, hate speech etc.)
- Media criticism: Education about fake news and hoaxes, the unchallenged sharing of content and the possibilities of counterfeiting content.
- Already implemented in the last training: Introduction to a word processing program; simulation of an interview or recording of the personal introduction with a video.
- How do I give feedback: constructive, appreciative, respectful -> “sandwich method”?
- Communication Model: Sender – Message – Receiver
Sustainability of the training:
Involving “graduates” as mentors
- In the training, the participants become “mentors” by passing on the knowledge they have learned to other people in a workshop. The participants of the first training session can therefore be asked whether they want to support the new learners as multipliers in the second training session.
- In order to support the former participants in their role as multipliers, a closed Facebook group could be opened.
Connection options
Show to participants what possibilities they have after the training, both in terms of career choice and concrete follow-up activities, such as:
- (Voluntary) involvement in non-profit organisations; NGOs as a career option
- Continuing training on the topics covered, e.g. on the ReDi School, Keiron
Important question that we should ask ourselves regarding the training:
- In what sense is the course actually to make a difference?
- What should the course result in?
Further development of the concept
- Media competence training for children and (young) adolescents or their parents
- Trainings on the topic of media-critical behaviour