Start date: 19 November 2018
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Organiser(s): Colectic
This event consisted of a conference by the project manager of Digital Welcome, who also presented the Wemin project (directed to migrated people, but this time, women) and a big debate with the participants, most of them teachers, pedagogs, integration technitians and students.
The presentation of Digital Welcome, taking into account that it was addressed to experts in the field of pedogogy, described extensively the curriculum, the competences and skills, and the different phases of the project.
A debate was then conducted by Professor Mario Barajas, from the university (http://barcelona.academia.edu/MarioBARAJAS), who focused on the type of users, tools and the most pedagogical part of the project.
Teaching digital skills to refugees surprised the participants, and some of them commented that the figure of a social educator accompanying the participants is key.
One participant questioned the usefulness of this particular training itinerary being useful from the point of view of refugees. What interest do they have in this particular project? The debate focused, at this point, on how digital professions have a great future, as softskills and communication skills communicate with the world of work.
The program was highly valued and the participants asked for more information about it.