Digital Welcome project consortium invite you to the Final Event of the DIGITAL WELCOME Project
Offering a digital welcome is the essence of the ‘Digital Welcome’ methodology. In five European countries young refugees and migrants learned to facilitate IT workshops on basic programming, digital storytelling, digital journalism and a whole arsenal of soft skills aimed at communication and animating workshops. An excellent opportunity to practice the local language, improve digital skills, and get to know new people.
You will have the opportunity to test our methodology and IT-workshops for young refugees and newcomers. The methodology document has been published on this website and it will be presented at the event!
AGENDA – 24 March 2019
09:30-10:00 | Registration and welcome coffee
10:00-11:00 | Plenary session “Integration of migrants and refugees through ICT and digital skills”
Moderator: Altheo Valentini, Project manager, Centro Studi Foligno
- Achilles Kameas, Professor, Hellenic Open University and WEMIN project coordinator
- Camille Hartmann, International Project Manager, Simplon.co and Welcode project manager
- Julie Adair, Director Digital Collaboration and Ashoka U Change Leader, Glasgow Caledonian University and Common Good First project partner
- Iffat Rose Gill, Founder/CEO of The Code to Change
- Gabriela Ruseva, Policy Officer at ALL DIGITAL and WELCOME project coordinator
11:00-12:00 | Panel Discussion: “The DIGITAl Welcome Methodology”
Moderator: Gabriela Ruseva, Policy Officer at ALL DIGITAL
- Jasper Pollet, Multimedia Animator, Maks vzw
- Esther Subias, Project Manager, Colectic
- Ilias Rafail, Project Manager and psychologist, IASIS NGO
- Raneem Chaar, participant in the Digital Welcome training
12:00-13:00 | Lunch
13:00-15:00 | Parallel Workshops
- Introduction to Coding with Nenja Wolbers and Stephan Seiffert, Stiftung Digitale Chancen
- Digital Storytelling, with Jasper Pollet, Maks vzw
- Digital Journalism with Núria Ishii Balagueró, Colectic and Chiara Borsini, Centro Studi Foligno
- Soft Skills and Communication, Ilias Rafail, IASIS
All sessions and workshops are free.