The Digital Welcome project final event took place in Brussels on the 24th May 2019. 67 participants came together to discuss the role of ICT and digital skills in refugee and migrant integration, among them trainers and educators, representatives of
Multiplier Event in Spain
The Multiplier Event was held at the Museum Maritimum of Barcelona (Barcelona) on 28th May 2019. 81 people from 24 different social organizations and 19 different municipal services participated very actively during the celebration of the Digital Welcome Multiplier event.
Second Multiplier Event in Germany
The second Multiplier Event organized by Stiftung Digitale Chancen (SDC) was held on the 9th of May 2019. The event was co-organised by the neighbourhood centre “BENN Mitte” and the training organisation for refugees “ReDi School”. Multipliers and organisations working
Digital Welcome participants at the KET theater in Athens
On the 5th of March 2019, a visit was organized by Antonis Bertos and Vasilis Rafail, both IASIS trainers, and the Iasis RND team in KET theatre in the center of Athens, under the framework of Digital Welcome project. A
Digital Welcome participants from Barcelona tell us about their experience
Have a look at this video created by some of the participants to the second pilot of the Digital Welcome programme in Barcelona. They share some interesting things about their experience.
Second piloting activities at Fondazione Mondo Digitale
When hospitality becomes inclusion, learning is the most precious opportunity. That’s exactly what happened to the Digital Welcome project’s participants during the Digital Storytelling module: using the technique of stop motion animation, the students told their stories – biographical or
Second Multiplier Event in Athens, Greece
Start date: 22 April 2019 Location: Athens, Greece Organiser(s): IASIS NGO The multiplier event was held on the 22nd of April 2019 by IASIS NGO in Serafio in Athens, which is a modern multi-event center of Sport, Culture and Innovation.
We have a new Digital Welcome brochure!
The Digital Welcome brochure has been updated with project results and some testimonies from the piloting activities. Check it out here!
Digital Welcome final event on 24 May 2019!
Digital Welcome project consortium invite you to the Final Event of the DIGITAL WELCOME Project Offering a digital welcome is the essence of the ‘Digital Welcome’ methodology. In five European countries young refugees and migrants learned to facilitate IT workshops on basic programming,
Digital Welcome, more than a training, a great experience!
Participants of Digital Welcome in Barcelona, in addition to participating in the training and improving their digital and communication skills, have put their knowledge and skills into practice at the YoMo festival, a great fair where science and technology meets