Start date: 20 June 2018
Location: Rome
Organiser(s): Fondazione Mondo Digitale
The multiplier event of the “Digital Welcome” project, organized by Fondazione Mondo Digitale was held on 20th June 2018 in Rome (football field of Santa Maria), on the occasion of the World Refugee Day and with the patronage of the UNHCR.
Taking the opportunity of that special day, the aim of the event was to present the project to the attending civil society as well as recruiting new potential beneficiaries, especially among reception centres guests and young volunteers from non profit organizations that actively involve asylum seekers and refugees.
During the event, between one match and another, both stakeholders, refugees and beneficiaries of the Digital Welcome project had the possibility to share their personal experience and considerations on the useful training opportunities they benefit from through the Digital Welcome project.
The active involvement of the project participants at the multiplier event was a noteworthy result. The presence of the “Digital Welcome” project participants at the stand, in fact, has attracted the interest of both stakeholders and refugees who, maybe, may want to join the project in the next pilot path.
The event demonstrates how from training contexts to soccer fields, projects as “Digital Welcome” turn third country nationals into digital and social mediators, able to facilitate integration processes and fight against prejudice.
The event was the occasion to prove that they have progressively achieved a condition of sustainability and autonomy, not only in the digital skills field but also in the field of life skills. They acquired skills to fully participate in the host society and to make connections with local people.
Participants have given an extremely positive feedback on Digital Welcome’s strategy of focusing on creative methodology for digital inclusion and digital empowerment.