Start date: 4 July 2018
Location: Foligno, Italy, Via Oberdan 123
Organiser(s): Centro Studi Città di Foligno Associazione
The event was organized in the form of a seminar on social and digital inclusion of citizens
from third countries. On the occasion of the presentation of the Digital Welcome project,
another European project, Refugees IN, was also presented, which promotes social inclusion
through a critical analysis of European cinema documentary film-making on inspiring refugees’
life stories.
The event was held at the Centro Studi headquarter, with the aim of presenting project results
and methodology to selected stakeholders, as well as recruiting new potential beneficiaries.
The Digital Welcome project participants were also present at the event, having the opportunity
to actively intervene, in front of an audience of stakeholders, to tell their training experience, so
generating an interesting debate at the end of the seminar.
The event started with a brief introduction to the project and continued with a general overview
of the programme: the phases and modules in which it is structured, the tools used, the skills
acquired, with the support of a presentation that also reported some examples of the expected
Since the theme of the seminar was social and digital inclusion, as part of the Digital Welcome
presentation, another European project, Refugees IN, has been hosted. It aims to encourage
intercultural dialogue, to combat discrimination against refugees and promote their social
At the end of the screening of the documentaries that have been produced by the Refugees IN
participants, a debate was opened, which involved both stakeholders and beneficiaries of the
Digital Welcome project, who had the opportunity to express considerations on their personal
experience, on the integration experience in Italy and on the importance of the training
opportunities they were able to benefit from.
The training programme has sparked the interest of the audience, which has given positive
feedback with respect to the methodology innovative aspects, also in pedagogical terms. The
active involvement of the project participants was a positive result, as well as the direct
comparison they had with the audience, from which stimulating ideas emerged on training
methods, use of technological and digital tools and paths for social inclusion.