Start date: 24 January 2019
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Organiser(s): Colectic
The event was helded at the PuntTIC Palau-solità I Plegamans premises, and e-facilitators of the Vallès Occidental were invited. Event was performed in cooperation with the Regional Goverment.
The meeting was attended by Mrs. Joana Barbany, general director of Digital Society of the Generalitat of Catalonia, and of Ms. Luisa Fernández, councilor for social services of the Palau-Solità de Plegamans Town Hall. Both have emphasized the importance of the telecenters and its good functioning, recognizing and congratulating the work of its e-facilitator. In their opening talks, they have highlighted the commitment of the Generalitat of Catalonia for digital policies focused on citizens.
The meeting has begun with the presentation of the European projects Welcome Digital and Wemin.
Some Digital Welcome videos have been screened. After that, Esther Subias (PM) has explained the aim of Digital Welcome and how it has been implemented in Catalonia, talking specifically about the content that has been devoloped by different partners in different countries, and tested in Catalonia. The curriculum will be available very soon, in order to make possible to be used by other trainers in Catalonia and in Spain.
Esther has explained another AMIF experience: Wemin (training, mentoring and activities for migrant and refugee women).
After presenting both experiences, and anwsering different concrete questions, an open discussion has followed: the group has talked about the advantages and difficulties encountered in working with the different target groups of this projects, and how they serve as a study case for those who have to create related policies in this regard, since they will allow us to see the real needs of the collectives (in the case of ‘Digital Welcome’ newcomers and refugees, and in the case of Wemin, specifically women within this group, since they have their own personal needs)
In addition, there has been a discussion about the training model needed by people with a very low level of literacy and how society and digital tools have been transformed. It is imperative to innovate in the training work that is carried out and projects like Digital Welcome can be an answer.
Needs and challenges of the Telecenters at El Vallès. Then, Pep Oliveras, technician of the Office of Dynamization of the PuntTIC Network, has triggered the debate that was generated and started a full training of resources and ideas to work in the telecenters classroom as new digital artisans. Along with all the people we have been able to reflect and inspire ourselves around computational thinking, educational robotics, programming, creativity, etc.
Finally, the expected moment of knowledge between the present telecenters has been started highlighting the common points and the most common groups in their points. From here it has been through a dynamic to see how innovation takes place in the development of the points and what are the needs of these to be able to bet more in this line and also work more in network.