Start date: 20 February 2019
Location: Foligno, Italy
Organiser(s): Associazione Centro Studi Città di Foligno
The Digital Welcome project was presented on the occasion of the inauguration of the DigiPASS
FOLIGNO – a Regional project – at the CSF headquarter.
The Digipass spaces are distributed throughout the Region and are intended to accompany citizens and businesses in the use of digital services. It was a relevant occasion to to present the Digital Welcome Project and use the same spaces to give a practical demonstration of the implementation of the new digital area, running Scratch workshops dedicated to school students, at the presence of mentors.
The event started with the public presentation of the DigiPASS FOLIGNO, in the presence of public authorities, local stakeholders, third sector associations representatives and teachers.
Then the Digital Welcome project has been presented as a practical example of how to improve the use of digital and ITC spaces to promote digital inclusion, with a specific focus on the methodology, challenges and opportunities, the tools used, the skills acquired by mentors, with the support of a presentation that also reported some examples of the expected outputs.
In the afternoon, Scratch workshops, dedicated to other young people from third countries, migrants, refugee and asylum seekers and school students, have been held at the DIgipass space.
The workshops were held in the presence of the mentors and aroused great interest both from the third sector associations, which also involved their beneficiaries, and from the schools.
The training programme has sparked the interest of the audience, especially thanks to the workshops practical part, and the active involvement of the mentors has been a positive result. The request for participation was so wide that a similar dissemination event will be organized in March, during the All Digital Week, at the CSF headquarter.