So far, we are in the middle of the second pilot of the WELCOME Programme in Germany which started on the 31st of October and will last until the 15th of February. Our participants went through two modules until now:
Digital Welcome second pilot in Greece
During the pilot sessions of Digital Welcome project, from the beginning of November in Greece, IASIS NGO started to disseminate and promote the program’s tools through training workshops, where migrants and refugees from Syria, Pakistan and African countries took part
Digital WELCOME session @ ALL DIGITAL Summit
The Digital Welcome project was presented at the “IT skills for young refugees and migrants” parallel breakout session at ALL DIGITAL Summit on 18th October. Moderator Nenja Wolbers, Project Manager and Trainer at Stiftung Digitale Chancen and partner in the WELCOME
3rd partners’ meeting in Rome
The 3rd partners’ meeting of the WELCOME project took place in Rome on 1st – 2nd October and was hosted by our Italian partner Fondazione Mondo Digitale. After an exciting tour to their fab lab and a virtual reality painting
New Greek strategy for integration targets 10,000 refugees in one year
The European website on integration reports that the Greek Secretary General on Immigration Policy, Miltiadis Klapas, has stated that the Ministry of Migration Policy aims to reach 10,000 refugees in one year through its strategy for integration. Furthermore, the Ministry
WELCOME dissemination event at ActionAid, Epikentro
The Welcome project has already been exploited by one of the most famous organizations in Greece, with international identity ActionAid. ActionAid is an independent, international organization that has been campaigning against poverty and injustice since 1972 in more than 45
Digital Welcome a Italia, Alemanya, Bèlgica, Grècia i Catalonia
Un total de sis organitzacions hem implementat la primera versió del projecte europeu Digital Welcome a 5 països diferents, amb un bon resultat. Estem satisfetes de la feina feta però seguim treballant per millorar abans de compartir els resultats amb
Ten case studies on migrant integration in EU cities by OECD and European Commission
The OECD and the European Commission have published a series of case studies to take a closer look at how ten European cities have been working on migrant integration. The cases studies that have been published so far are of
ALL DIGITAL Summit is coming up soon!
On 18-19 October 2018, ALL DIGITAL (formerly Telecentre-Europe) will organise in Brussels its 11th annual summit under the title DIGITAL JOURNEY: FROM INCLUSION TO EMPOWERMENT. The Summit brings together every year ca. 200 leaders of networks and organisations working to enhance
Digital Welcome presented at World Refugee Day in the EP
Last 20th June we celebrated the World Refugee Day. The day provides momentum to discuss refugee integration with policy makers and other stakeholders. On this occasion, Veronique de Leener from MAKS vzw, Digital Welcome project partner from Belgium, took part