Start date: 22 April 2019
Location: Athens, Greece
Organiser(s): IASIS NGO
The multiplier event was held on the 22nd of April 2019 by IASIS NGO in Serafio in Athens, which is a modern multi-event center of Sport, Culture and Innovation.
The aim of the event was to inform participants about the project and to involve them in the implementation of the 4 workshops that took place during the event (each workshop represented one thematic area of the project).
The event was attended by 40 people from relevant organizations, stakeholders, professionals, internal and external collaborators who deal with migration issues.
The multiplier event started with a warm welcome of the attendees and the presentation of DIGITAL WELCOME project, its aims and results. During the presentation, we also had the chance to show to the participants two of the videos which have been created by refugees during the training. After that, a discussion took place where the participants gave us their feedback and evaluated the results of the project.
Then, for about an hour, 4 workshops were implemented in parallel. Each workshop was related to one of the four modules of the program.
The first one was “Soft Skills”, which was implemented by the trainer Chara Spyropoulou. After the workshop, the team participants had the chance to share their impressions about the methods through an evaluation activity.
The second workshop was organized by the trainer Thanos Loules and covered the thematic area “Digital Journalism”. Three main activities were implemented as well as an energizer to keep participants motivated and actives and an evaluation activity at the end of the workshop.
The third workshop was organized by the trainer Nick Mpountalis and it was related to the thematic unit “Coding”, in which the participants learned how to create their own online video game by using coding skills. The trainer, who is also an IT developer, explained them the procedure step by step. The members of the team were really impressed.
The fourth workshop was organized by the trainer Bill Rafail and covered the thematic unit “Digital Storytelling”, in which the participants learned, step by step, how they can create their video by using their personal stories. The team was divided in pairs and all the members had the chance to create their own digital stories.
The multiplier event was successful. The participants’ feedback was really noteworthy. They were really impressed about the contents and the outputs of the project. As final energizer activity we created a very big circle with all the participants from all the workshops and asked them to express how they felt from their experience. The overall feedback is that Digital Welcome Project is an innovative programme and they are really interested in using it after its finalization.